Leaders Who Ask
by Corrinne Armour
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Leaders Who Ask: Building Fearless Cultures by telling less and asking more by Corrinne Armour

Product details

Paperback: 208 pages
ISBN: 978064828124
Trim size: 216 x 140 mm
When we tell people what to do, they may listen, but they are unlikely to commit to action and are even less likely to remember. When we ask great questions that lead to insight, an emotional component is triggered in the brain that leads to commitment and accountability. Leaders who ask use these strategies, and more, to connect deeply, lead fearlessly and achieve results that transform.
You need this book if you are a leader who recognises one or more of these challenges:
  • Having all the answers and needing to be in control feels like hard work.
  • Staff engagement is patchy and not everyone is on board.
  • Leadership bench-strength is lacking.
  • Results are inconsistent and people aren’t following through on their commitments.
  • Your team is performing well and yet you know more is possible.
Leaders Who Ask leverage coaching capabilities and questioning techniques to create Fearless Cultures.
About the Author
CORRINNE ARMOUR is a leadership expert who helps leaders and teams develop Fearless Leadership and deliver transformational results. Known for her energy, empathy and results focus, Corrinne is a sought after speaker.

Her previous books include Developing Direct Reports: Taking the Guesswork Out of Leading Leaders and Cracking the Code for Workshop Performance.

“The shift from being a leader who tells, to a leader who asks isn’t easy … but it’s the most powerful strategy to take your leadership to the next level. This book shares frameworks, tactics and powerful questions that have the potential to change the way you lead.”
- Michael Bungay Stanier, Author of Wall Street Journal bestseller The Coaching Habit
Deep within everyone is unbounded potential and the role of the leader is to draw this out. This is not achieved through instructing or telling; but through suspending judgment, asking questions and listening intently. This book provides a powerful approach for leaders to build culture by assisting one human being at a time to transform their life. This is truly the great honour of leadership.
- Dr David Cooke, Managing Director - Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia
Corrinne has helped me realise the value of embracing a less directive leadership approach. If you want to ask more and tell this, this book sets out how in an engaging way.
- Simone Zelencich, Executive Director, People & Culture - The Royal Children’s Hospital
Leaders today need the critical balance between business and people acumen. They are expected to have a range of tools to increase business performance as well as develop the critical soft skills needed for setting a culture that focuses on people and stimulates innovation.
I recommend this book to leaders who strive to set a high performing culture by motivating and empowering all within their organisation, thus enhancing leadership, organisational performance and staff retention.
- Matthew Jackson, Chief Executive Officer, Parks Victoria
A large proportion of leaders I meet in the service sector think they need to have all the answers. This limiting belief exists because they have not yet realised the power of questions. This book presents a practical and highly effective approach for developing staff and building engagement in the workplace, and is a valuable resource for organisations determined to create consistent quality service cultures.
- Jaquie Scammell, Australia's Leading Customer Relations Expert, author of Creating a Customer Service Mindset
Corrinne has the ability to create a mindful and highly effective leader in all of us through her gift of making complex things simple. This is a capacity building journey that ultimately provides the practical tools to do what I love the most – build a culture of innovation and curiosity - a productive and engaged sweet spot.
- Sarah Cumming, Managing Director - Gippsland Water
Reviews (1)
Name : Anneli Blundell
Location : Australia
Title : Leaders who ask
Review : Corrinne Armour's new book, 'Leaders who ask', answers the age-old leadership question of how to get the best out of the people you lead. 'Leaders who ask' is fundamentally a book about building coaching skills and it's so much more than that! It's about mindset, it's about context, it's about impact.  As an executive coach specialising in communication and influence, I often help leaders build their coaching muscle and now I have a brilliant resource to share with them to fast-track their journey.  Thank you Corrinne for writing such a comprehensive and practical resource for leaders who are genuinely interested in leading with questions, and not just answers. Jam-packed with relatable case studies and timeless stories this book is the answer you've been looking for. Do yourself a favour and buy two copies - one for yourself and one for someone else. This resource needs to be shared.

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