IR Sensor RPM Module (Close Range)
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This is the IR sensor that suits the Impulse 2 system. It is typically used for phase measurement and recording RPM. This sensor is used for close-range detection from 3 to 5 mm away from the rotor.

Note: IR Sensor's are affected by sunlight, so must be used indoors.
Reviews (1)
Name : Ralf Bendel
Location : Germany
Title : IR Sensor
Review : Hi i whant to buy the eqipment for balancing at two planes. when is the ir-sensor available? thanks for answer

Questions (2)
Hi ! I need the IR-Sensor and 2 2nd. Accelerometer for the Impulse balancer. How can i order it? Thanks and beste regards Torsten

Hi Torsten, Please visit the "Accessories" section on our website. You will find what you need there. thanks Mark

Hi, Does a IR sensor must be used to pemfrom a in 2 BLADE PROPELLER BALANCE (multirotor) As your IR sensor is out of stock, is that possible for me to use the one like to do the same job or when will your sensor back in order Thanks

Hi no you don't need it for a 2 blade balance. I have some ir sensors in stock now. Thanks Mark

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