Vogart set-of-12 Paints
12mL starter pack + FREE Tropical Islands Picture Set to paint!
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Great for adults and older children to start painting!!
Fast drying, 12ml permanent ball-point paints in half size tubes in our 12 most popular colours. Includes: White, Yellow, Scarlet-Red, Brown, Black, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple Violet, Blossom Pink, Sunny Orange and Cream.
Comes as a complete Set-of-12 Hobbytex Vogart Paints and colours are also available separately.
Same great paint as the regular-sized tubes.

All 12 Hobbytex Vogart Ball-Point Paints + 2 FREE Pictures to paint
(Tropical Islands A4 Pictures that are charted in the 12 colours)

Includes a blotter and painting instruction sheet.
Total value $110
Special Only $80
Reviews (1)
Name : Deina
Location : Nauru
Title : Still a Fan of Hobby tex painting
Review : I just want to thank this family/company for keeping the hobbytex paint tubes business alive all these years. Painting with hobbytex is still my favorite as compared to brush painting, using stencils etc. It brings out the best and long lasting results. It just need to catch up with promoting/advertising the product through various social media platforms. Looking fwd to watch more videos on painting with hobbytex paint tubes. Thank you and keep up the dedication and good works.

Questions (5)
is it possible to just but blue , black and white?

Hi Joy, yes it is. Yes the paints are available to order separately. 625 is blue, 616 is black and 601 is white. Regards Jenny

I gave my daughter My mom's old paints. Are these paints used for canvas.

Hi, yes you can use them on canvas if you wish or any kind of fabric. They are spirit-based paints so will dry quicker. They can be applied direct from the ball-point or squeeze some out onto a palette and use with a brush. If brush-painting you may need to dilute them with the Tip Cleaner/Thinners not water. The Complete Guide also shows you everything you need to know. Regards Jenny

Hello, I was given these from a relative and love them! So many uses! I am just curious what kind of paint it is? Seems too dense to be acrylic.... Thank you, ~Lisa

Hi Lisa, thanks for your question. Hobbytex Vogart paint is spirit-based paint, which makes it virtually instant drying and permanent. It won't fade or wash out of the fabric. You need to use a thinners to dilute if painting with a brush and palette. Rgds Jenny

Do these half tubes come with tube protectors I am thinking of ordering the Half tube kit. of $70.00

Hi Anthea, thanks for your question. The plastic tube Guards are sold separately and not really required for these smaller tubes but they do fit if you want to order some at $1 each Guard. These smaller tubes do come complete with a ball-point tip and a plastic Dome (lid) to protect the tip on each tube. Plus the same spirit-based paint inside. Regards Jenny

I have some of these tubes and the tips dryed out. How do I get them flowing again? Thanks for your help. Kathy

Hi Kathy, The paint in the tube is spirit-based and therefore lasts a very long time. Some customers have had their paints for over 20 years and so all you need to do is replace the ball-point tip. Simply unscrew the old tip with the Stylus/Tip Wrench (Item 1616) or a pair of pliers and screw in a new one by hand, tightening with the Tip Wrench. Always have some paper down as the paint may come out especially if they have been squeezed as the pressure will have built up inside the tube. Replacement tips are available in packs of 3, 10 (Item 1670), and 25 (Item 1651 $35/pack). Click on the accessories heading on the home page to see the tips. Regards Jenny

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