Beiter In-out nocks #1 small grove dz
The Beiter InOut-Nocks fits precisely into the shaft and preserves the shafts end with the bigger outer diameter.


Beiter Nock Size

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Some features of the Beiter InOut-Nock, that distinguish them from other makes:

  • Each Nock size has only one single mould. This offers highest precision and lowest tolerances. Every single InOut-Nock comes out of the same cavity.
  • The Nock does not pinch on the nocking point, it rests there with a spring effect. The working life is much higher and, very important, the Beiter Nock guarantees constant release from the bowstring, shot after shot.
  • The Beiter InOut-Nock is available as asymmetric or symmetric (Hunter). To ensure that a Beiter Asymmetric Nock is placed correctly, control that the notch for the nocking point looks to the front of the arrow.
  • The Beiter InOut Nock can be shot without problem with all known nocking points; but the Beiter nocking point is the ideal partner for any asymmetric Beiter Nock.
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Questions (1)
Can you tell me, what size beiter nocks I should buy for ACE 520 and ACE 670 arrows? #1small grove or #2

The grove size depends on the size of the string. Recuve is normally #1 and compound #2

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