For centuries South Pacific and Fiji islanders have used pure coconut oil and flower extracts to nourish, moisturize and beautify both skin and hair.
Pure Fiji brings you the best of these traditional blends for today's natural bath and body care. Discover intensive hydrating body oils, creamy coconut lotions, nourishing hand made soaps and fresh sugar scrubs that will get your skin glowing.

We are proud to offer you a complete line of natural beauty therapies containing uniquely Fijian plant extracts - hand selected to guarantee their highest quality.

Untouched tropical flora and the warm Pacific Ocean offer up exotic drift nut oils and powerful plant actives. Sugar cane, pineapple, papaya, passionflower and green coconut are freshly harvested and processed within hours to preserve their fresh bounty of naturally occurring nutrients.

Exotic drift nuts revered for their medicinal and beautifying properties contribute pure, unadulterated nourishment, moisturisation, nutrition and protection.

Deep-sea plants provide protection from the inevitable aging effects of the sun and the inimitable Ngi grass – living within reach of the ocean spray – contribute to the formula for enhanced hydration and drastically improved moisturisation.

Land and Sea providing all that is needed for good health with pure and natural body care.

This is the Pacific way - the way body care should be - naturally.

Pure Fiji

Sort By
Pure Fiji - Coconut Milk Bath Soak - 470ml
Pure Fiji - Sugar Rub - 457ml
Pure Fiji - Hydrating Body Lotion - 354ml
Pure Fiji - Exotic Bath & Body Oil - 235ml
Pure Fiji - Spa Soap - 110gm
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Body Gel - 235ml
Pure Fiji - Coconut Milk Shampoo - 250ml
Pure Fiji - Coconut Creme Conditioner - 250ml
Pure Fiji - Coconut Creme Body Scrub - 250ml
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Body Butter - 118ml
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Body Gel - 59ml (Travel Size)
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Body Spray - 235ml
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Bath Therapy - 470ml
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Bath Therapy - 59ml (Travel Size)
Pure Fiji - Exotic Bath & Body Oil - 90ml (Travel Size)
Pure Fiji - Hydrating Body Lotion - 90ml (Travel Size)
Pure Fiji - Hydrating Body Mist - 207ml
Pure Fiji - Insect Repellent Body Spray - Lemongrass - 240ml
Pure Fiji - Coconut Milk Shower Gel - 250ml
Pure Fiji - Coconut Wax Votive Candle - Individually Boxed - 207gm
Pure Fiji - Hydrating Body Mist - 90ml (Travel Size)
Pure Fiji - Dilo - Rescue Body Gel - 470ml

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